About Us

Who Are We?

The foundations for Syndicate of Gamers date back aeons ago.  Whilst travelling across galaxies as insignificant micro-organisms,  a plan was forged, and a destiny was written.  Millions of years later, after many evolutions and revolutions, these micro organisms evolved into three super beings…

The planets laws of mathematics however removed the “super” component of the equation.

A fateful meeting between us after all moving to the same school that year, sparked a friendship that spanned throughout our childhoods, teenage years, right through to adulthood.  22 years later, our shared hobbies, interests, as well as our tolerance of each other, is still growing strong.

One of those hobbies is gaming.  And we love gaming together.  We don’t care who you are, where you’re from, age or gender….

To you we say, “Welcome to the family”.

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